Lib Tech’s Third Leg…Video

Lib tech … un vídeo repleto de burradas. Esta claro que los boneless han vuelto a estar de moda, que los skateparks cada día son mas raros, mas altos lo que hace que los trucos sean brutales y las ostias aun mas … Si después de ver este vídeo no tienes ganas de irte a patinar es que te falta presión sanguínea.

Lib Tech's Third Leg…Video from Think Thank on Vimeo.

Lib Tech Skate went from Seattle to Texas shredding parks and spots with technologically tougher boards that don't break. We filmed the whole thing and made a video, Lib Tech's Third Leg….Video. Featuring new Lib Ripper Phil Hansen, the Texas Leg Tour, the madman that is Mikey Swearingen, a hodge podge of Northwest ripping, the Seattle Leg and Mr. Sky Siljeg's flowing attack of creativity to finish it off. And more! These piles love tile!

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